Restart or shutdown your Proxmox node from Home Assistant automation
There is a UPS monitoring through NUT configured in my Home Assistant. So I decided my Home Assistant could shut down my homelab servers on a low UPS battery.
There is a UPS monitoring through NUT configured in my Home Assistant. So I decided my Home Assistant could shut down my homelab servers on a low UPS battery.
There is a lot of automation you can do with this data, but today I want to write up a short guide on how to safely get the information from the UPS connected to your NAS via USB into the Home Assistant.
What do you want the most when it gets to the notifications about new images available for your containers? I think the answer is consistency. Getting notifications by email or Whatsapp doesn’t look logical when Home Assistant has its own persistent notifications and powerful actionable notifications in the companion
Smart Home
The Docker installation method becomes very popular among Home Assistant users. One of the downsides of the Docker installation method is the absence of update notifications and updates with a single button click. Today we will try to fix this with the power of Named Pipes (Whaaat??). Disclaimer. This is
Smart Home
There are many ways to backup your Home Assistant instance, but today we will review a simple script that runs on your server and does local and remote backups. Well, the core of this method is not just a script, but two very powerful and useful Linux command line utilities:
Smart Home
Visual Studio Code in a browser aka Studio Code Server is a very comfortable way to edit Home Assistant configuration files. But did you know you can use the Visual Studio Code desktop application on any PC to manage your home server remotely? Likely you have an SSH server running
Smart Home
In the current post series, I’m describing the path I took from a regular Home Assistant setup on Home Assistant Blue to a home server with Docker and various software. Assuming we already have our Home Assistant in Docker up and running, it is time to add some addons
Smart Home
In the current post series, I’m describing the path I took from a regular Home Assistant setup on Home Assistant Blue to a home server with Docker and various software. Assuming we already have ODROID-N2+ with Debian Buster and Docker setup, our next step would be bringing Home Assistant
Smart Home
In the current post series, I’m describing the path I took from a regular Home Assistant setup on Home Assistant Blue to a home server with Docker and various software. Assuming we already have ODROID-N2+ with Debian Buster, our next step would be Docker installation. Previous posts series: * Debian
Smart Home
I ordered Home Assistant Blue on the day it was announced at Home Assistant Conference on December 13, 2020. It was exactly what I wanted – powerful hardware without any noise. And nice-looking, of course. It was a great speed improvement compared to Raspberry Pi 3B+, but this hardware can handle
Smart Home
Did you remember a b-parasite project? It now has a ZigBee firmware sample you can integrate into Home Assistant through Zigbee2MQTT! Usually, smart soil moisture sensors use BLE or even WiFi for data transfer. But we want ZigBee, right? Why we want it is a topic for a separate post,
Smart Home
I hate to dig into thousands of lines of someone’s YAML code and think I’m not the only one. That’s why I decided to tear down my Lovelace dashboard here for everyone who wants to reuse its components or get some inspiration for their dashboards. My Lovelace