Homelab Restart or shutdown your Proxmox node from Home Assistant automation There is a UPS monitoring through NUT configured in my Home Assistant. So I decided my Home Assistant could shut down my homelab servers on a low UPS battery.
Homelab Monitor USB UPS connected to Synology NAS in Home Assistant There is a lot of automation you can do with this data, but today I want to write up a short guide on how to safely get the information from the UPS connected to your NAS via USB into the Home Assistant.
Homelab Intel NUC alternatives for your homelab In 2013 Intel launched a line of small-form-factor barebone computers called "
Homelab Hosting Ghost Blog On Synology NAS Do you want to know how and where RandomPlace is hosted? Or
Homelab Simple and beautiful home server dashboard with Homarr and Dashdot I was looking for a one-stop solution for the home lab dashboard
Homelab What's up Docker? is like Watchtower but with UI and Home Assistant integration What do you want the most when it gets to the notifications
Smart Home Updating Home Assistant in Docker from Lovelace UI just like in Home Assistant OS The Docker installation method becomes very popular among Home Assistant users. One
Smart Home Automatic backups of Home Assistant in Docker: rsync and rclone There are many ways to backup your Home Assistant instance, but today
Smart Home A simple yet powerful alternative for Studio Code Server for Home Assistant in Docker: Visual Studio Code + SSH Visual Studio Code in a browser aka Studio Code Server is a
Smart Home Home Assistant in Docker #4: Add-ons. MQTT and Zigbee2MQTT In the current post series, I’m describing the path I took
Smart Home Home Assistant in Docker #3: docker-compose.yml for Home Assistant and MariaDB explained In the current post series, I’m describing the path I took
Smart Home Home Assistant in Docker #2: Installing Docker on ODROID-N2+ with Debian Buster In the current post series, I’m describing the path I took